Tamika Sanders

  • Instructor of Public HealthSchool of Sciences, Mathematics & Allied Health

Contact Info:

  • TSanders@guoxinranzhi.com
  • 919.516.4834
  • Public Health Education Center

Educational Background

B.S. – Public Health
Saint Augustine’s University

M.P.H. – Public HealthUniversity of North Carolina Greensboro

Area(s) of Research

Environmental HealthInvestigating the epidemiology of a disease

Community Engagement

National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)American Public Health Association (APHA)Eta Sigma Gamma Honors Society

Awards & Honors

Members of the Honors College (2018 – 2021)Public Health Initiative Scholarship (2017-2021)Dean’s List (2018-2021)Presidential Scholarship (2018-2021)

Favorite Quote

History has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.” –Michelle Obama